The Knack

What is it?

“The knack” is performing a strong, quick pelvic floor contraction before an activity that increases intra-abdominal pressure/creates pressure on the pelvic floor. You hold the contraction until the activity is complete, then fully relax your pelvic floor. Learning “the knack” is useful for people who have stress urinary incontinence or prolapse. Squeezing the pelvic floor lifts the pelvic organs and holds them in place, preventing leakage and prolapse symptoms. 

What do I need to learn to be able to do “the knack?”

  • Strength

    • You need adequate pelvic floor strength to counteract the downward pressure causing symptoms.

  • Quickness

    • Many things that create pressure on the pelvic floor happen fast! So, you need the coordination to quickly squeeze your pelvic floor before the activity happens.

  • Timing

    • Remember to do the knack before the activity causing symptoms. This takes practice, but eventually it becomes automatic!

When do I do “the knack?”

Do the knack with any activity that causes symptoms because it increases intra-abdominal pressure and creates pressure on the pelvic floor. This includes:

  • Coughing

  • Sneezing, blowing your nose

  • Laughing

  • Lifting, pulling, pushing

  • Rising from sitting to standing, or rising up from a squat

How do I do “the knack” as an exercise so I can learn to use it in my daily life?

  • Squeeze and lift the muscles around your urethra, vagina (if you have one), and anus before you cough, sneeze, or lift. 

  • Maintain the contraction throughout the activity.

  • After completing the activity, relax your pelvic floor muscles fully.

Pelvic Care Physical Therapy

3770 W. Robinson St. - Ste. 112 - Norman, OK - 73072 - 405.240.9575 –